Brasov: Concert Malevolent Creation / Domination INC. / Sphinx
MALEVOLENT CREATION [Death Metal] [USA] MALEVOLENT CREATION started their career in 1987 in Buffalo, NY, where they recorded and distributed their first demo. Moving to a more fertile music scene in Florida they produced their second demo with a pressing of 1,000 copies. Finally, a third demo the following year recorded by Scott Burns at Morris Sound which landed MALEVOLENT CREATION a record deal with Roadrunner and the first full-length album titled The Ten Commandments, considered by many to be one of the strongest Death Metal debut albums.
The recording process for the following albums, such as Retribution, and Stillborn, were riddled with line-up changes, the beginning of a common occurrence that has since become a MALEVOLENT CREATION trademark. As mastermind Phil Fasciana sums it up, "If you're too slow, you've got to go". Never allowing the revolving musicians to affect the power and skill of the band in a negative way, the rotation only added mystery and fan interest in the next step of the band’s career. Continuing to fight their martial battles stronger and stronger with each release, MALEVOLENT CREATION labeled 'The Mike Tyson of Death Metal' never let anyone down with new additions or replacements.
The bestial terror from Florida continued to release more albums spewing forth Eternal, Joe Black, In Cold Blood, The Fine Art Of Murder, Envenomed, The Will To Kill, Warkult and Doomsday X, followed by releasing one of their best albums to date Invidious Dominion
DOMINATION INC. [Groove Thrash Metal] [Greece]
Hailing from Athens, Greece, the 5piece - though very young still – delivers its sophomore album already: “Memoir 414”.
The long player is tentatively scheduled for a later summer release.Full of smashes, this one calls for some major attention.
DOMINATION INC. is thrilled to have joined forces with Germany’s iconic metal brand SPV/Steamhammer for the release of “Memoir 414” and more!
The Greeks are filling the void that splits modern groove from powerful thrash and is heralding a new age of heavy metal, providing highly energetic music and live shows.
SPHINX [Progressive Death Metal] [Great Britain]
Born from a solo project by the guitarist Bruno Martinho in 2012, Sphinx grew with the addition of Antonio Velez, joining in 2013 as their new drummer.
With the EP "Immortal" written, Daniel and André joined the band by the ends of 2015, finalising the pre-production of the EP by 2017.
Friends from a long age, with similar tastes in music, games and fantasy lore like Tolkien and Lovecraft, they merged and developed Sphinx together through the years.
With punishing technical riffs, low drops and brutal guttural vocals, Sphinx delivers fantastic tales and medieval stories with serious heaviness, energy and aggressiveness.
A death metal band with strong bonds to black metal, progressive metal and deathcore.
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