Bilete Weekend Lord of the Rings la Cinema Europa - 14-16 mar - Cinema Europa -
Weekend Lord of the Rings la Cinema Europa
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Weekend Lord of the Rings la Cinema Europa

Cinema Europa , București
14-16 martie

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Mai este doar 1 bilet disponibil

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Valabil pentru intregul weekend: 14-16 martie!

Mai este doar 1 bilet disponibil

Acces Vineri 14 martie 17:30

The Fellowship of the Ring

Acces Vineri 14 martie 17:30 - redus copii/elevi/studenti

The Fellowship of the Ring

Acces Vineri 14 martie 20:15

The Two Towers

Acces Vineri 14 martie 20:15 - redus copii/elevi/studenti

The Two Towers

Acces Sambata 15 martie 17:00

The Return of the King

Acces Sambata 15 martie 17:00 - redus copii/elevi/studenti

The Return of the King

Acces Sambata 15 martie 20:30

The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey

Acces Sambata 15 martie 20:30 - redus copii/elevi/studenti

The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey

Acces Duminica 16 martie 17:00

The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug

Acces Duminica 16 martie 17:00 - redus copii/elevi/studenti

The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug

Acces Duminica 16 martie 20:00

The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies

Acces Duminica 16 martie 20:00 - redus copii/elevi/studenti

The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies

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