Taste of Law: Lawyering under Art and Cuisine
The Committee of Coordination of Bar Actions within the European Bars Federation chaired by the Cluj Bar, in collaboration with the Cluj Bar and the Westminster & Holborn Law Society, organizes for the first time at European level, between 16 and 19 May 2024, in Cluj-Napoca, THE TASTE OF LAW / LE GOÛT DE LA LOI event. The event aims to encourage professional cooperation between Bar Associations and between lawyers under the auspices of Art and Cuisine, universal ways of getting to know each other and approaching each other.
The objectives of the event are the following:
– encouraging cooperation between Bar Associations and between lawyers by discovering the Art and Cuisine
of the countries from which the lawyers who are members of the Bar Associations come from according to the
motto of the European Union “Unity in diversity”
– encouraging the involvement of lawyers in Art and Cuisine through answers to current legal scientific topics in
the field of culture, as well as by organizing an exhibition that will include the works of participating lawyers
– organization of legal workshops in the fields of law of interest to the participants
– organization of social networks for participants.
The intention to participate in the program will be sent to the e-mail address of the Commission for the
Cooperation of the Actions of Bars FBE_commission_coordination_des_actions_des_barreaux@baroul-cluj.ro no
later than April 20, 2024. The following must be mentioned:
– the number of participating lawyers and the areas of law of interest
– if among the participating lawyers there are artist lawyers who want to exhibit works and what they consist of
(painting, sculpture, book, music, etc.)
– the intention to organize one of the following editions of the program in the future, if any.
The Taste of Law, 16 – 19 May 2024, Cluj-Napoca
The number of participants is limited to 100.
May 16, 2024
18.00 – Welcome Cocktail – Casino Centrul de Cultură Urbană, Cluj-Napoca
A twinning agreement between the Cluj Bar and the Westminster & Holborn Law Society will be signed.
May 17, 2024 – National Theater Cluj-Napoca, Studio Euphorion
09.00 – 13.00 – interactive discussions with speakers who will be lawyers and artists on a common theme between art and the
legal profession + welcome coffee and coffee break
13.00 – 14.00 – lunch
14.00 – 16.00 – networking session between participants in the theater foyer
19.00 – theater show 12 Angry Men with English subtitles
21.30 – Gala Dinner at Wonderland Resort
May 18, 2024
10:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. – exhibition of paintings and other works (paintings and works will be exhibited by artist-lawyers) at
the headquarters of the Cluj Bar + City Tour
18.00 – traditional Romanian evening with traditional Romanian food and beverages at Institute of Life Sciences (ISV) King
Michael I of Romania (University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca)
The program may undergo changes regarding the hours.
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